The Halloween Edit: Horrifyingly Good (but still spooky!) Car Movies

Hello, one and all! Hope you’re looking forward to a thrilling Halloween. At Fleet Evolution, we are massive Halloween fans. So, when the season’s right and we’re not exploring the wellbeing, tranquillity, and harmony that electric cars provide, we’re looking at some of the scariest car-themed horror films! We hope you enjoy our suggestions, and please, no nightmares. With the dark nights drawing in, don’t worry about what could have crept into your back seat and might be lurking behind you… On with the list!

  1. Christine

What a film. For those of a certain generation, Stephen King is a legend. This film explores a teenager’s love… with his 1958 Plymouth Fury that he restores to her former beauty. And then forms an unhealthy relationship with… However, the relationship soon turns sour. Like many relationships,  jealousy and envy lead to anger with terrifying consequences…

  1. Final Destination

So many car scenes in this famous franchise. I basically can’t drive behind any truck towing secured loads now, just as a result of this film. Don’t worry, you’ve seen it coming! You can easily dodge death… or can you?

  1. Halloween

Has anyone checked their back seat yet? No? Anyone’s head buried deep in their shoulders yet? It might just be soon… In Halloween, Annie gets behind the wheel to notice all the windows are steamed up. What she didn’t notice was Michael Myers in the back seat. Halloween became another franchise across many generations, best get started watching them now!

  1. Duel

So many would argue this is the car-themed horror! It took me a few years to watch this, being born in 1971, but I have to agree. Have you ever found yourself being followed by a truck? Without any provocation felt your pulse rise and your back moisten? Well, Duel shows a travelling salesman fall prey to a huge, rusted truck which pursues him relentlessly. The scariest part of this is that there appears no motivation and no end! If only he were in an I-PACE, he could have zoomed away… until he had to recharge of course. Gosh, I need a cheese sandwich and a glass of water after this one!

  1. The Car

The last in our list is another child of the ’70s, The Car. I’m not sure if the car or the fashion is the scariest part of this film… A seemingly possessed car terrorises a town, with only the local sheriff between the town and doom…

Of course, we’re an electric car company. You might have noticed there are no electric cars on this top 5? Maybe because they’re all 50 years old, but still! There’s a gap in the market there! An autonomous machine on the loose, maybe a Tesla Cyber Truck? Fleevo Productions coming soon…

For more Halloween themed blogs read our Trick or Treat blog here!

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