What is Carbon Footprint? How can I reduce mine?

Your carbon footprint is the measurement of how much CO2 gas you personally are responsible for. It can be upsetting to realise you’re contributing to climate change just by living your life. You increase your carbon dioxide emissions by doing normal things, like driving to work, taking a plane, or buying food that’s out of season (flown in to satisfy customer demand).

Choose an eco-friendly vehicle

If the time comes to update your fleet of cars for your employees, or as an employee you’re looking at what car to get next, try to get a hybrid or an electric car. Not only are these much better for the environment, but they’re also much better for your bank balance, costing less to run.

Not looking for a new car right now? That’s no problem

Adjust your driving style. If you’re an aggressive driver—going faster than the speed limit, braking hard, accelerating as soon as you’re past a speed camera—you probably already know that it doesn’t do fantastic things for your mood. But did you know it wastes fuel? Studies done by scientists in the Oak Ridge National Laboratory just last year showed you’re lowering your mileage from anything from 10% to 40%.

Carpool with co-workers

Not only will you be able to spend more time with a friend, but you’ll also be taking one car off the road; reducing emissions and traffic for other drivers. You might even get to work via some cool shortcuts you can use when it’s your turn to drive.

Reduce the weight you’re driving with

You might have picked up a heavy load on Friday, not been bothered to take it out of the boot when you got in, and not realize you’ve driven around with it all weekend until you open your boot Monday morning. Reducing the weight of items in the car means your car doesn’t have to work as hard. Thus, will use less fuel getting to its destination.There are always things you can do to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle and reduce your carbon footprint. Things as simple as recycling more, buying strawberries in-season rather than buying imported food, and changing how you drive will be better for the planet and for your conscience.


Last Updated: September 2021

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