Earth Day: How We’re Helping And What YOU Can Do!

Earth Day is held on 22nd April every year and “marks the annual birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970”. On this day, in 1970, 20 million people in the US took to the streets to protest environmental destruction. This year, Fleet Evolution is celebrating by sharing the team’s pledges, and how each member of our team is doing their part to help protect the environment!

From composting to driving fully electric cars, our team certainly has a range of ways to reduce pollution, reduce their footprint, and give back to our Earth. And aren’t you lucky, we’ll even teach you some tips and tricks to work towards being more sustainable in this blog! At Fleet Evolution, we don’t just specialise in electric vehicles, we also try and do our best to give back to the planet!

First, on the Earth Day Pledge list, it’s our company founder and MD, Andy!

“I do 40,000 miles a year in my I-PACE, all from renewable electricity suppliers!”.

Andy has truly welcomed the Electric Revolution with open arms! He’s been driving electric for many years now and loves to help people all across the UK hop into electric motoring! You may or may not know, but Salary Sacrifice is the easiest and cheapest way to move into electric motoring! We take on companies of all shapes and sizes, no matter if there are 2 employees or 20,000 employees! If you want to find out more about our salary sacrifice scheme, follow the link here

Go Electric!

Jordan wouldn’t be the green car specialist without driving electric herself! Jordan can currently be spotted cruising in her Volkswagen ID.3, but she has mentioned that she is very interested in the Mustang Mach-E (not just because it has a horse on the steering wheel). She mainly uses our workplace charge point to charge her car, making going electric a much smoother process!

Workplace Charging!

If your company is interested in electrifying its fleet, we offer workplace charge points as part of our Plug-In Promise! If you want to know more about our charge point offering, check it out here!

Sometimes there may be a pileup with electric cars wanting to use the point, but that’s where flexible working hours and working from home can help reduce charge-point congestion! As well, with our Plug-In Promise, we’re offering a workplace charge point per 5 vehicles your company takes on! Get in touch to find out more!

Welcome to the Electric Revolution!

A few other team members have recently moved to electric motoring too; Matt, Emily, and Amy are all recent EV converts! Matt is sporting the MG ZS whilst both Emily and Amy are Corsa E enthusiasts! Due to living arrangements, cost of home charge points, and general convenience, they all charge their electric vehicles at the office. They have the ease of just plugging their car in when they get to work, and not to mention the free charge! Although, saying that, charging from home would cost you around £5 to charge up, off-peak and overnight, and you’re all set for your week’s commute!

If you’re looking to go electric, be sure to check out our guide to the Electric Revolution here! It will tell you all you need to know, and if you have any questions, don’t be afraid to get in touch!

We also have Senior Account Manager Charlotte B in the EV-driving seat! As you can tell, team Fleet are going electric ASATC (as soon as they can!), and Charl B is no exception. She recently had her brand spanking new Audi Q4 delivered to her and she loves it! If you’re interested in any of the electric vehicles we’ve mentioned so far, feel free to get in touch to talk quotes! You can also source your own quotes using our quote engine, get your login here

Save Electricity!

As well as recently going electric, Emily has started to unplug appliances when they are not in use! As most appliances are on standby when you “turn them off”, unplugging them is the only real way to save electricity, as well as those bills that come with it! 

Speaking of saving electricity, Mary has pledged to leave her tumble drier in the past and has started drying clothes in the garden! Now that Spring has sprung and it’s warming up, what better time to start?

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

Plenty of the crew is starting to make an active effort to recycle and waste less! It can be easy to chuck everything in the black bin but come on people, let’s sort our recyclables from our non-recyclables!


Nicola from the Operations Team has created a compost bin; this means that any food waste and vegetation she has, she can throw into the bin and it will break down into a compost which she can reuse to tend to her garden! Composting is a great way to help the environment by reducing waste and reusing this to give back to the earth. Fancy making your own compost from your food waste? Check out this handy guide


Ollie from the Operations Team has started to use reusable packaging instead of single-use plastics, like resealable sandwich bags! Every little helps when it comes to being eco-friendly. Small changes like this may not seem like they’re saving the planet, but the less unnecessary plastic waste, which takes hundreds of years to decompose, the better for the environment!

Charlotte M from the Marketing Team also tries her hand at recycling! Instead of throwing out old clothes, she tries to upcycle them into something new! Also, she is now taking steps to avoid fast fashion clothing brands and shop more sustainably! Sustainable creators will use more environmentally friendly and ethically sourced materials and treat staff fairly. Upcycling and buying used/vintage/thrifted/whatever you want to call them clothes is cool and great for the environment! Follow the link here to learn more about the devastation of fast fashion and how upcycling can help!


Our new Marketing Apprentice, Jack, makes a conscious effort to separate recycling from general waste. Jack has also reduced his travel time out of work by driving when only necessary in order to reduce emissions. You can reduce your footprint too by making simple changes, such as walking to the shop instead of driving. Check out more small changes you can make here

As you can see, there are so many paths to go down to do your part in working towards undoing the environmental destruction caused by humans. Whether small or large pledges, every little contribution will go towards helping the environment. If you would like to find out more about Earth Day and its history, click here! Lastly, yes, Earth Day is a reminder to stand up against the mistreatment of our planet, but let’s not forget that we should be doing that daily! Take a stance today, going electric helps the planet, and not to mention how it helps your wallet! Check out the guide below.

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Electric Revolution Guide

This guide has a range of quotes from electric vehicles of all shapes and sizes, with a diesel vs electric comparison too! Enter your details below and we will send you the Electric Revolution Guide via email.

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