IPCC Climate Report: What Can You Do To Make a Difference?

The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) recently launched a striking report as a stark warning of how we all need to be more environmentally friendly to help combat climate change. The study warned of extreme heatwaves, flooding and droughts becoming more common if we don’t all commit to making a difference. Key points from the IPCC climate report:

  • The planet’s temperature was over 1C higher between 2011-2020 than it was between 1850-1900
  • Over the past five years, we’ve seen the hottest temperatures on record since 1850
  • The rate of the sea levels rising has almost tripled compared with 1901-1971
  • Humans are the main reason for the global retreat of glaciers since the 1990s and also for the decrease of sea ice in the Arctic
  • Heatwaves have become much more intense since the 1950s, whereas extreme cold events have become far less frequent and less severe

So, what can we all do in our daily lives to make a difference? Here are three of the simple changes you can make that will result in a big difference.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Reduce, reuse, and recycle are things that we’ve all been told to do for years, and it’s never been more important. Cut down on the number of things you buy, find ways to reuse them if possible and always make sure that you’re recycling materials so that they can be used again.

Make Your Home Energy Efficient

Make sure your home is insulated, switch to renewable energy sources, change your lightbulbs to LED–there are plenty of ways that you can make your home more environmentally friendly! These tips are especially important in the winter months when we all crank up the heating and use more energy to keep our homes comfortable. If your home is insulated and running off renewable energy, you won’t need as much energy, and you also reduce cold drafts and heat loss through the walls and roof.

Switch to an Electric Car

Your car may be one of the key factors in your lifestyle that is increasing your carbon footprint, so why not switch to an electric vehicle? Electric vehicles are cheaper, more convenient, and much better for the planet than diesel or petrol cars.

If you want to switch to an electric car, find out about our salary sacrifice schemes today.

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