Salary Sacrifice for Sole Traders: Boost Your Business

Considering salary sacrifice for sole traders? If you’re looking to enhance your business and provide value to your employees, salary sacrifice schemes can be a strategic advantage. This guide delves into how these schemes work and why they could be a game-changer for your business operations.

Sole traders get a bum deal sometimes; very few have as much ‘fat in the game’ as a sole trader. You do not hide behind a limited liability and your business truly is your business. All too often, sole traders are treated poorly, refused financial products, or made to jump through hoops.

Understanding Salary Sacrifice: What Sole Traders Need to Know

The journey of a sole trader is unique and filled with challenges that only those who walk the path understand. Every decision you make impacts your business operations and your personal life. This intertwining of personal and professional life demands solutions that are both effective and empathetic to your circumstances.

  • Flexible Benefits: Offer salary sacrifice as a flexible benefit to adapt to both personal and business needs.
    Financial Advice: Provide access to expert financial advice to help navigate salary sacrifice options efficiently.
    Administrative Support: Streamline the process with administrative support to make implementation smoother for you and your employees.
    Educational Resources: Equip yourself and your team with educational resources to fully understand the benefits and responsibilities of salary sacrifice schemes.

Of course, as a sole trader, you’re passionate about growing your business. Just because you’re a ‘sole’ trader doesn’t mean you’ll always be on your own. So, how can you ensure those you bring on the journey share your passion?

Employee benefits are a surefire way to their heart.

Electric car financed by salary sacrifice scheme for sole traders. uk electric vehicles

Are you Eligible for Salary Sacrifice?

Book a call with Jordan from the Sales team to find out more about the scheme and how it can benefit your company and employees!

The Benefits of Implementing Salary Sacrifice Cars in Your Business

Salary sacrifice for sole traders costs nothing to you, and they’re one of the most powerful benefits you can bring to the party!

For you, there are lots of compelling reasons to go electric. You can fund a car through the business. An electric car has a tiny cost of motoring and a tiny benefit in kind tax; you write off a few hundred pounds a month against your profits and pay little tax on the benefit. You don’t need to worry about salary sacrifice, but the principles of funding an electric car through your business stack up!

What About Your Team? Let’s Explore…

Salary sacrifice cars are cars you take on behalf of your employees but they reimburse you for the cost. Not only that, there’s very little at risk for you. If the employee leaves for any reason, at any point, we take the car back. This is unique to Fleet Evolution’s scheme. However, what’s not unique are the savings, tax, National Insurance, and of course, a tiny running cost when they charge at home!

Introducing such benefits not only boosts morale but also enhances loyalty among your team. By offering such perks, you position yourself as an employer who genuinely cares about the welfare of your employees. This is a critical factor in attracting and retaining talent in today’s competitive job market.

Exploring Employee Benefits for Your Team.

We salute you, sole traders. We’re here to support you and to give you the absolute backing someone as superb as you deserves. Let us help you make the most of these opportunities, ensuring your business thrives in every way possible. Let’s talk?

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